Sunday, September 20, 2009


The most important values in my life are the things hardest to succeed without. And by succeeding I don’t necessarily mean having a high paying job, I mean succeeding at the things that make you feel jubilant and most alive. Love, self discipline, and finding joy in what I do is my recipe to reaching my goals. By finding these values I’ve learned how to believe in myself. For more than eleven years my life has revolved around one thing, dance. Without the love of my family, without self discipline, and without enjoying what I do, I would never be where I am today.

If there were two pieces of advice I could tell my children I would tell them to find their passions and follow them. I believe there is one goal everyone should have in life, I believe we should all find happiness. Happiness is the key to success. Without happiness there wouldn’t be love in this world and without love there wouldn’t be life. I would rather die than never learn how to love. Love is one of the most natural feelings a human has, but sometimes is lost under the self critic in our heads. Once you can love yourself, you’re able to love others.

If I had a million dollars to give away it would go to PSCS. I’ve really grown to know my values and have been able to practice them because of this school. I enjoy learning when I’m not forced to, and I would rather have the reward of real education than an artificial grade. Self discipline and responsibility are some of the hardest lesson to learn in life. A big part of my PSCS education has been learning responsibility. Getting my homework done and doing it with integrity, making goals and reaching them took me years to learn. I was not practicing self discipline or integrity in public school, and coming to PSCS opened my eyes to what life will be like after high school. You need responsibility to live on your own, you need self discipline to have a career. The best thing will be enjoying my job while I work through life. Because of PSCS I am ready for what’s ahead of me, and can’t wait to enter the world of adulthood .

The last time I was really excited about life was when I was asked by the director of Oregon Ballet Theater’s company to join their school as a pre professional. I felt proud of all those years of hard work. All those years I struggled in public school, but danced till my muscles became fatigued. I’ve practiced self discipline every ballet class I have sweated through. I’ve reached my goal of happiness by enjoying it. Without the love of my family I would have never been to my first dance class and for that I am very grateful. I believe in happiness, once you’re happy you have found success.

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